SFPD Releases 1 st Quarter 2017 Police Encounters Report (17-109)

In accordance with the San Francisco Police Department’s commitment to transparency and accountability, and in compliance with San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 96A, Law Enforcement Reporting Requirements, the 1st Quarter (January, February, and March 2017), Police Encounters Report has been released and is available on our website.

Arrests and Use of Force Reports - Admin Code 96A

San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 96A requires local law enforcement to publish data relating to the use of force, arrests, and encounters with members of the public. Use of force and arrest data was released in May. The encounters report is submitted on a quarterly basis to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, the Police Commission and the Human Rights Commission and contains the following information:

Admin Code Chapter 96A.3

(a) For Encounters:

(1) The total number;

(2) The total number broken down by race or ethnicity, age, and sex;

(3) The total number of searches performed broken down by race or ethnicity, age, and sex;

(4) The total number of each type of search performed;

(5) For each type of search performed, the total number broken down by race or ethnicity, age, and sex;

(6) The total number of each type of disposition, and the total number for each disposition broken down by race or ethnicity, age, and sex; and

(7) The data for Encounters required to be reported by this subsection (a) shall be reported separately for Detentions and Traffic Stops;

(d) Reason for Encounters.

(f) Department of Police Accountability data on alleged bias related complaints.

The full text of Admin Code Chapter 96A can be found online at the Board of Supervisors website:


We look forward to continuing to provide these reports in the interest of transparency.

News Release