Early Intervention System (EIS) Panel Meeting | 2nd Quarter

In compliance with Department General Order (DGO) 3.19, the San Francisco Police Department will be holding the 2020 EIS Panel meeting which will take place via Microsoft Teams on November 3, 2021, from 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM.

The EIS panel is an advisory board that meets on a quarterly basis to review aggregate EIS information. The panel’s primary functions, as specified in DGO 3.19, are as follows:

1. Review EIS data for identified patterns of successes or ineffectiveness resulting from intervention efforts of supervisors and commanding officers.

2. Make recommendation(s) and/or suggestion(s) to the administrative staff regarding the use of alternative intervention strategies that may be useful to supervisors and commanding officers.

3. Review the total number of interventions for the quarter, the types of interventions employed, and the effectiveness of those interventions.

4. Determine future direction, needs, and development for the EIS program, including modifications to the EIS program.

5. Review new trends and thresholds as recommended by the EIS administrative staff.

6. Review quarterly and annual reports prepared by the OIC of the EIS Unit.

7. Review and recommend changes of relevant policies to the Police Commission.

Click here to obtain more info on how to join the meeting on Microsoft Teams.

Event Type
Government Meeting