Nicole Fitts HomicideArianna Fitts Missing

Case Photo
Profile photos of Nicole Fitts and Arianna Fitts
Incident Date
Case ID Number
Cold Case Crime Bulletin

HOMICIDE AND MISSING BABY $250,000 REWARD The San Francisco Police Department has authorized a $250,000 reward for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the suspect(s) responsible for the murder of Nicole Fitts and the disappearance of her 2.5-year-old daughter, Arianna. On 04/08/2016 at approximately 1030 hours, members of the San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department discovered a dead female buried in a shallow hole inside McLaren Park. Upon exhuming the body, the San Francisco Medical Examiner was able to identify her as Nicole Fitts. Nicole was reported as a Missing Person by her family members on 04/05/2016 (SFPD Case #160282033). Nicole’s 2.5-year-old daughter, Arianna was also listed as a Missing Person. The investigation revealed that in late 2015 through early 2016, Arianna was in the care and custody of her babysitter, Helena Hearne Martin and her husband Devin Martin. The investigation also revealed that Nicole Fitts received a phone call on 04/01/2016 at approximately 2100 hours. That call lured her out of her residence to, “go meet the babysitter.” Nicole was never seen alive again. Person(s) with information about this case wishing to remain anonymous may call the SFPD Tip Line at (415)-575-4444 or Text-A-Tip to 847411 (TIP411) and type “SFPD” and then your TIP. SFPD CASE #160289073