Park Station Newsletter - May 25, 2018

The District has made it through another major event, the Bay to Breakers. It certainly brought a lot of people to and through the district with the number of runners estimated at 45,000. These included many runners who made the finish line the Pan Handle instead of the actual finish line at the Great Highway. Members of the SFPD and the Department of Rec and Park did a good job of encouraging the celebrants to leave the area and take their celebrations indoors. Thank you all for your patience.

On another note I want to take this opportunity to compliment the community residents for their outstanding job of calling 911 when they observe a crime in progress. This is really assisting our officers in arresting the criminals in our district and really contributes to crime reduction. Please continue to do this. Always call 911 if you feel your life is in danger or if you believe another’s life is in danger or that you or another are a victim of a crime. I cannot overemphasize the importance of immediate law enforcement notification of crimes as it truly increases our chances of making arrests and solving crimes. Again I want to encourage all to install surveillance cameras in and around your homes as this continues to help solve crimes in our neighborhood.

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